Multiple Rumors surrounding The Flash’s plot say the movie will completely erase every previous DCEU Movie From Continuity. New rumors from reliable scoopers claim The Flash movie will completely remove every movie directed by Zack Snyder for the DCEU from its continuity.
If the rumors are correct it will be an end to SnyderVerse. The Flash Rumor Says the Film Will Erase Every Previous DCEU Movie From Continuity and it will replace Batman and Superman with Batgirl and Supergirl.
The Rumors and are They True?
The internet has been going crazy the last couple of days due to some huge reports from scoopers on The Flash Movie and something that’s gonna happen at the end of this year that could change DCEU forever.
It could put an end to the fan’s hope on the restoring of Synderverse and their demand. No more #restorethesynderverse trends. Not only it will end Synder’s vision of DCEU but it will erase every movie of Zack Synder which includes the Man of Steel, Justice League, and Batman VS Superman. They will be part of DCEU no more.
This isn’t has been confirmed yet but it is coming from a bunch of reliable scoopers. So, maybe it’s pretty likely to be true.
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This all started when MyTimeToShineHello on the 1st of JAN 2022 posted a chain of tweets claiming The Flash movie will put every movie of Zack Synder out of the DCEU canon. It will certainly erase them out of existence, no more Ben Affleck batman no more Henry Cavill superman where the Wonder Woman and Michael Keaton batman remain unaffected.

The new trinity of the DCEU will be all females where we’ll have Gal Gadot’s wonder woman, and then we’ll have Sasha Calle supergirl, Leslie Grace’s Batgirl, and Shazam will also have a big role going forward.

The Movie ends with Flash and Supergirl and Shazam forming a new Justice League. The Shazam was initially written keeping the Synderverse in mind. This was a year ago tweet from the director of Shazam on Black Adam.

Now, this made the public go heat up, they wanted answers from officials. The Flash Film News commented on this and confirmed that The Flash will set up new DCEU.

Whereas the continuity for Synderverse will be preserved. But people, they want conformation, they want someone saying it’s all a lie, maybe the Warner Bros. Studio.
But we all know the truth If it’s benefiting the production then they will never ever confirm or deny anything. We have already seen it with the No Way Home.
Another question that comes into play is the source reliable, the simple answer to this is YES. The big creators of the creator industry follow his news so we can pretty much assume the source is indeed reliable.
Now it’s your time to whether accept it or deny it. It’s up to you. All I can do is to offer either RED PILL or BLUE PILL.
As expected the new changes suffered a backlash from the Synder fans. Check out some of them below.

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