The superhero movies are the future and the genre seems to be taking over the industry but things weren’t the same all along. Superhero movies could be pleasures; they give a different feel.
But, sometimes things get nasty. Imagine you went down to the hall to watch a movie you have been waiting for all along but the very first scene of the movie makes you feel what the hell, a perfect waste of time and money and that feels very bad????.
We can’t even leave; we have waited a lot just to see the character in live-action. So without further delay, here we present our list of the worst superhero movies ever.
Most Awful Superhero Films Ever Produced in History
1. Justice League (2017)

The most awful movie ever made. The release of Snyder Cut finally gave the satisfaction we wanted years ago. Now we clearly know what it was meant to be and what Joss Whedon made it. Perhaps if the studio hadn’t rushed, the DC Extended Universe might have continued. But still, there is a penny of hope.
The million-dollar CGI was horrible, a guy on YouTube (on his own) did better editing than the studio (with superman mustache). The antagonist (Steppenwolf) looks dumbass, a confused one.
The forced humor was terrible and very bad, felt like they were forcing it to be Avengers. It was like the movie went on and we never felt anything, Even the rebirth of superman wasn’t emotive at all.
It wasn’t even a team-up movie at first. Superman appears and boom, everything gets resolved.
2. Captain America 1990

The 1990’s Captain America, a perfect example of what a superhero movie shouldn’t be like. The movie lacked everything, there wasn’t anything watchable at all.
The suit was awful; I mean the rubber ears for our cap! Really? (horrific). You know what? The movie was released back then when Chris Evans was eight years old and I hope he never watched it.
One of the critics even considered the movie to be the dumbest movie of all time. The movie is all time flop. Opposite to its $60M budget, it only collected ten thousand dollars.
3. Catwoman ( 2004 )

The ultimate problem with this movie was, it was never a ‘catwomen movie’ at all. It was an average plane action movie.
The love interest of the movie was pointless, action sequences were cringey, the villain felt unconvincing and, the costume was horrible. I won’t lie but it was pretty sexy and if you have watched the movie then you are well aware of it. Even such reviling and OP costume couldn’t save the movie.
Obviously, it’s not a movie to enjoy with your popcorns unless you want to……..(I think I don’t need to get that far, you are smart enough. Hope it must not have been quick)
4. Green Lantern ( 2011 )

Ryan Ronald is one of my all-time favorite actor. But sadly it was Green Lantern, the very first movie of Ryan I watched. It was quite disappointing.
Only if he had done all the promotions before as much he after its flop, I am damm sure; it would have been a commercial hit.
Overused CGI, even where it wasn’t needed. The plot was very weak, boring and felt like actor were forced to look bad.
I know the majority of the audience has watched this movie but If you haven’t, then you must stay away. It doesn’t mean it’s very bad, some of the action sequences are fine but you don’t waste 2 hours just to enjoy few minutes.
I’d rather recommend you to watch Green Lantern animated series released back then in 2009.
5. Howard the Duck (1986)

Yeah, it’s the post-credit scene of Guardians of the Galaxy that created curiosity among us regarding Howard the duck and that’s what forces people to watch this shit. It’s pure shit.
Though the expectations were very low still, the plot felt awkward and senseless. The concept was very odd, sex with a duck. It was horrible. Even the lead actor failed in portraying the character.
The costumes were worst, jokes were not funny at all and I wonder how the hell this movie got a PG-13 rating with such nudity, explicit scenes, and violence.
Don’t watch this movie, you will regret it. Wait for someone (maybe James Gunn) to start work on this movie. I think he is the only one who could direct a movie like this.
6. Fantastic Four (2015)

2015 Fantastic Four lacked everything. Maybe the studio suppressed this movie, people don’t talk much of it. I wasn’t expecting boring conversations and that too inside the four walls.
The Doctor Doom never felt like it had been him, there was nothing of a doctor. The picture lacked character development, the storyline was typical old and boring (nothing new). Most importantly there wasn’t any cameo of our great Stan Lee.
I think fantastic four is what started the downfall of the 20th Century Fox. But at least that gave us an opportunity to see Fantastic Four and Mutants alongside Avengers.
7. Supergirl (1984)

The last on our list. I never watched this movie but guess what; I have watched the trailer and trust me that’s unbearable too. I read some of the reviews and it seems it’s not a movie to enjoy your time. So here’s what I found.
The visuals are very bad, horrible plot, poorly written storyline. Besides It was the movie of the ’80s. What I liked in it was the actress portraying the lead (supergirl).
So, I am hoping you followed all along and thanks for that. These were my picks for the worst superhero movies ever made. But these aren’t the only of their kind. The Lone Ranger, The spirit, Batman and Robin, Daredevil (2003), Fantastic four (1992), and the worst Condorman.
Let me know about your most horrific experience in the hall and which movie bitched out the most. The comment section is for you lads, do utilize it. Please, it feels good. Have a good day????…….